Empowering people to improve their quality of life.

LASOS offers quality adult literacy classes, at risk youth mentoring and ready by 5 family literacy programs and a network of service providers for non native English speaking residents of Harford County.

Welcome to LASOS, Inc

LASOS, Inc (Linking All So Others Succeed), in Harford County, Maryland, is a non profit organization that offers adult literacy services that include English for Speakers of Other Languages and citizenship classes; a family literacy program that incorporates a ready-by-school initiative, an at-risk youth development program that supports academic, social, and emotional success; and connect members to Harford County’s network of service providers.

LASOS, Inc.’s vision is to provide critical resources needed to support integration into American society for non-native English-speaking residents. In turn, these residents will be empowered to contribute, engage, and communicate more effectively with their families, at work, and within the community.

LASOS, Inc sought out to develop a set of guiding principles that reflect our beliefs. We work vigorously to build stronger communities. These principles guide what we do, why we do it, and how we do it.

  • Stronger families equal stronger communities.
  • Improved education yields economic empowerment.
  • We are passionate about our work and the people it benefits.
  • Everyone deserves the opportunity to be heard.
  • There is a responsibility to help those who can’t access the help they need.
  • English-language classes should be free and accessible.
  • Our world is global; we strive to level the playing field by providing opportunities and access for underprivileged youth through youth mentoring programs.
  • We teach vital skills to improve quality of life.

Constituency Served

The organization provides services to non-native English-speaking residents and community members ages 6 months and up that reside in Harford County. Focused support for low-income residents allows the organization to be positioned to serve those most in need of literacy programs and services.

The programs are unique, providing invaluable services at no charge to the community members. This reduces the financial barrier for those interested in continuing their education, connecting with the community, and learning English in a safe and supportive environment.

The members served are lacking in the areas of basic reading and math skills, technology, English, healthcare, financial know-how, hygiene, and even basic survival skills.